Santi Rapisarda


Dr. Santi Rapisarda is a radiologist in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Interventions of the IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio and a medical consultant-neuroradiologist at the Istituti Clinici Zucchi in Monza.

In 2009, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Policlinico Agostino Gemelli in Rome, where in 2016 he received a specialization in radio diagnostics.

In 2018, he received the 1st level of the SIOOT (Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy) Master in ozone therapy, focusing mainly on pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal system.

In 2013, he received a scholarship at the Regina Elena National Cancer Institute in Rome, within the Department of Radiology.

In the same year, he received a scholarship in the Regional General Hospital F. Miulli in Acquaviva delle Fonti in the Department of Interventional Radiology and a fellowship at the IRCCS Giovanni Paolo II in Campobasso in the Department of Radiology.

In 2014, he received a scholarship in the A.O. Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù in Rome.

In 2015, he received a scholarship at the IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Milanese, and in 2016 at the Fondazione Poliambulanza in Brescia.

Currently, at the IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, he is mainly engaged in musculoskeletal radiology and neuroradiology, and at the stituti Clinici Zucchi in Monza – neuroradiology.

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