Silvana Bergonzi



Dr. Silvana Bergonzi is a radiologist at the Casa di Cura la Madonnina.

In 1971, she graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milan and in 1974 received a specialization in radiology.

From 1972 to 2011, she worked full-time in the radiological service of the Milan Institute of Oncology until she became the director of the simple structure of breast radiology, and then the acting director of one of the three complex radiological structures.

Dr. Bergonzi is engaged in radiological and ultrasound diagnostics and pathology of the breast with the help of mammography and ultrasound.

From the very beginning of her career, she devoted herself to the diagnosis of mammary glands, gaining a lot of experience over the years thanks to the extensive medical history of the Milan Institute of Oncology, where in recent years she had the opportunity to observe about 20,000 cases per year of breast pathology of all types, benign and malignant.

She has been involved in the development of the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Prevention of Breast Tumors both on behalf of the Lombardy region and at the national level on behalf of FONCAM (National Task Force for Breast Cancer).

She is the author and co-author of 112 publications in Italian and foreign journals and book chapters.

She has more than 100 speeches at national and international courses and congresses, as well as teaching as a contract professor at the University of Milan and the Senology School of Professor Veronesi.

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