Massimo Torre
Prof. Massimo Torre is consultant thoracic surgeon at Casa di Cura La Madonnina.
After receiving his degree in Medicine and Surgery in March 1981 from the University of Milan, in 1986 he again specialized in thoracic surgery from the same university.
Professor Torre's professional career began in 1982 as a surgical assistant at the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Ospedale Niguarda in Milan, hospital where in 2001 he also became the Head of the Department of Endoscopic Surgery of the Chest, and in 2013 – the Director of the Center for Thoracic Surgery. In addition to consulting activities at Casa di Cura La Madonnina, in addition to the latter position, which he still holds in 2019, he was also appointed Director of the Cardiovascular Department.
During his professional career, Professor Massimo Torre conducted several internships abroad (Tokyo, Toronto, Hanover and Vienna), where he delved into the technique associated with interventions:
- lung transplantation,
- lung and mediastinal resection,
- thoracic endoscopic surgery. Minimally invasive,
- surgery for malformations of the chest.
As the Director of Thoracic Surgery, Professor Torre has performed several single and bilateral lung transplant operations and has always been an adherent of resection methods for the treatment of lung and mediastinal cancer (both in open and minimally invasive surgery).
For about 10 years he has been engaged in surgery of malformations of the chest, paying special attention to patients with deformities of the pectus excavatum and keeled chest, using both minimally invasive (Nass method) and open (Ravich method) interventions.
In addition to this brilliant career, he also worked as an Associate Professor of Thoracic Surgery at the Specialized School of Thoracic Surgery of the University of Milan.
Professor Torre, finally, is a former President of the International Society of Bronchoesophagology and Secretary of the Italian Society of Thoracic Surgery, as well as a member of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.