Massimo Bernardi


Dr. Massimo Bernardi is Head of the Functional Department of Hematology and the Department of Diseases – Acute Leukemia and Myelodysplasia in the Department of Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation of the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele under the supervision of Professor Fabio Ciceri.

In 1988 he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan, where he specialized in respiratory diseases in 1994 and in Hematology in 2000.

From the point of view of clinical activity, Dr. Bernardi provides assistance to patients suffering from hematological diseases in the Department of Hematology. In particular, he deals with patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplasia, with a complete diagnosis and determination of treatment options.

He collaborates and participates in both spontaneous and multicenter studies related to the diagnosis and treatment of acute leukemia and myelodysplasia, especially in elderly patients. It is devoted to the determination of prognostic indicators for the analysis of decision-making in the diagnosis, as well as in the prevention and treatment of relapses of the disease.

Currently, there are 73 publications in national and international journals (Hirsch Index 24) and in the chapters of university textbooks for medical students and surgeons.

He is a member of various societies and working groups, national and international: Francesco Lo Coco Acute Myeloid Leukemia Academy, European Haematology Association (EHA), Chronic Leukemia Working Party of EBMT (European Blood and Marrow Transplantation group), Acute Leukemia Working Party of EBMT, commissions on acute leukemias of the Lombard Hematology Network (REL), the REL Myelodysplasia Commission, the MDS Foundation (Myelodysplastic Syndromes), the GITMO Group for the Study of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (Italian Bone Marrow Transplantation Group).

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University of Milan
Degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery - 1988

University of Milan
Specialization in Diseases of the Respiratory System - 1994

University of Milan
Specialization in Hematology - 2000

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Latest publications

Randomized trial comparing standard vs sequential highdose chemotherapy for inducing early CR in adult AML.
Blood Adv, 2019;3(7):1103-1117. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2018026625
Bassan R, Intermesoli T, Masciulli A, Pavoni C, Boschini C, Gianfaldoni G, Marmont F, Cavattoni I, Mattei D, Terruzzi E, De Paoli L, Cattaneo C, Borlenghi E, Ciceri F, Bernardi M, Scattolin AM, Todisco E, Campiotti L, Corradini P, Cortelezzi A, Ferrero D, Zanghì P, Oldani E, Spinelli O, Audisio E, Cortelazzo S, Bosi A, Falini B, Pogliani EM, Rambaldi A
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Immune signature drives leukemia escape and relapse after hematopoietic cell transplantation.
Nat Med.2019;25(4):603-611. doi: 10.1038/s41591-019-0400-z
Toffalori C, Zito L, Gambacorta V, Riba M, Oliveira G, Bucci G, Barcella M, Spinelli O, Greco R, Crucitti L, Cieri N, Noviello M, Manfredi F, Montaldo E, Ostuni R, Naldini MM, Gentner B, Waterhouse M, Zeiser R, Finke J, Hanoun M, Beelen DW, Gojo I, Luznik L, Onozawa M, Teshima T, Devillier R, Blaise D, Halkes CJM, Griffioen M, Carrabba MG, Bernardi M, Peccatori J, Barlassina C, Stupka E, Lazarevic
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Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Comparable outcomes of haploidentical, 10/10 and 9/10 unrelated donor transplantation in adverse karyotype AML in first complete remission.
Am J Hematol, 2018;93:1236–1244. doi: 10.1002/ajh.25231
Lorentino F, Labopin M, Bernardi M, Ciceri F, Socié G, Cornelissen JJ, Esteve J, Ruggeri A, Volin L, Yacoub-Agha I, Craddock C, Passweg J, Blaise D, Gedde-Dahl T, Poiani M, Fegueux N, Mohty M, Nagler A;
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Adjuvant role of SeptiFast to improve the diagnosis of sepsis in a large cohort of hematological patients.
Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2018;53:410–416. doi:10.1038/s41409-017-0039-7
Raffaella Greco, Maria Chiara Barbanti, Nicasio Mancini, Lara Crucitti, Chiara Oltolini, Alessandra Forcina, Francesca Lorentino, Luca Vago, Carlo Messina, Daniela Clerici, Mara Morelli, Fabio Giglio, Maria Teresa Lupo Stanghellini, Laura Infurnari, Matteo G. Carrabba, Sarah Marktel, Andrea Assanelli, Paolo Scarpellini, Massimo Bernardi, Jacopo Peccatori, Consuelo Corti, Massimo Clementi, Fabio Ci
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Secondary acute myeloid leukaemia in elderly patients: Patient’s fitness criteria and ELN prognostic stratification can be applied to guide treatment decisions. An analysis of 280 patients by the network rete ematologica lombarda (REL).
Am J Hematol, 2018;93(2):E54-E57. doi: 10.1002/ajh.24977
Erika Borlenghi, Chiara Pagani, Patrizia Zappasodi, Massimo Bernardi, Claudia Basilico, Elisabetta Todisco, Nicola Fracchiolla, Valentina Mancini, Mauro Turrini, Matteo Da Via, Elisa Sala, Chiara Cattaneo, Marta Petulla, Federico Serana, Andrea Ferrario, Roberto Cairoli, Agostino Cortelezzi, Armando Santoro, Carlo Castagnola, Giuseppe Rossi
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Decision analysis of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome stratified according to the revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R).
Leukemia, 2017;31:449–2457. doi: 10.1038/leu.2017.88
Matteo Della Porta, Christopher Jackson, Emilio Alessandrino, Marianna Rossi, Andrea Bacigalupo, Maria Teresa Van Lint, Massimo Bernardi, Alberto Bosi, Bernardino Allione, Stefano Guidi, Valeria Santini, Luca Malcovati, Marta Ubezio, Chiara Milanesi, Elisabetta Todisco, Maria Teresa Voso, Pellegrino Musto, Francesco Onida, Anna Iori, Raffaella Cerretti, Giovanni Grillo, alfredo molteni, Pietro Enr
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Control of infectious mortality due to carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Bone Marrow Transplant, 2017;52(1):114- 119. doi: 10.1038/bmt.2016.234
Forcina A, Baldan R, Marasco V, Cichero P, Bondanza A, Noviello M, Piemontese S, Soliman C, Greco R, Lorentino F, Giglio F, Messina C, Carrabba M, Bernardi M, Peccatori J, Moro M, Biancardi A, Nizzero P, Scarpellini P, Cirillo DM, Mancini N, Corti C, Clementi M, Ciceri F.
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Clinical Effects of Driver Somatic Mutations on the Outcomes of Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndromes Treated With Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem- Cell Transplantation.
Clin Oncol, 2016;34(30):3627-3637. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2016.67.3616
Matteo G. Della Porta, Anna Gall, Andrea Bacigalupo,Silvia Zibellini, Massimo Bernardi, Ettore Rizzo, Bernardino Allione, Maria Teresa van Lint, Pietro Pioltelli, Paola Marenco, Alberto Bosi, Maria Teresa Voso, Simona Sica, Mariella Cuzzola, Emanuele Angelucci, Marianna Rossi, Marta Ubezio, Alberto Malovini, Ivan Limongelli, Virginia V. Ferretti, Orietta Spinelli, Cristina Tresoldi, Sarah Pozzi, S
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Post-transplantation cyclophosphamide and sirolimus for prevention of GvHD after HLA-matched PBSC transplantation.
Blood, 2016;128(11):1528-31. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-06-723205
Greco R, Lorentino F, Morelli M, Giglio F, Mannina D, Assanelli A, Mastaglio S, Dalto S, Perini T, Lazzari L, Piemontese S, Corti C, Marcatti M, Bernardi M, Lupo Stanghellini MT, Ciceri F, Peccatori J.
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Elderly patients > 65 years of age with acute myeloid leukemia and normal karyotype benefit from intensive therapeutic programs.
Am J Hematol, 2016;91(6):E302-3.doi: 10.1002/ajh.24345
Massimo Bernardi, Matteo Carrabba, Carlo Messina, Raffaella Milani, Elisa Sala, Francesca Pavesi, Bernhard Gentner, Jacopo Peccatori, Andrea Assanelli, Sarah Marktel, Consuelo Corti, Alessandra Forcina, Luca Vago, Fabio Ciceri.
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Infusion of suicide-gene-engineered donor lymphocytes after family haploidentical haemopoietic stemcell transplantation for leukaemia (the TK007 trial): a nonrandomised phase I–II study.
Lancet Oncol, 2009;10:489-500. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(09)70074-9
F.Ciceri, C.Bonini, M.T.Lupo Stanghellini, A.Bondanza, C.Traversari, M.Salomoni, L.Turchetto, S.Colombi, M.Bernardi, J.Peccatori, A.Pescarollo, P.Servida, Z.Magnani, S.K.Perna, V.Valtolina, F.Crippa, L.Callegaro, E.Spoldi, R.Crocchiolo, K.Fleischhauer, M.Ponzoni, L.Vago, S.Rossini, A.Santoro, E.Todisco, J.Apperley, E.Olavarria, S.Slavin, E.M.Weissinger, A.Ganser, M.Stadler, E.Yannaki, A.Fassas,A.A
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Loss of Mismatched HLA in Leukemia after Stem-Cell Transplantation.
N Engl J Med, 2009;361:478-88. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa0811036
L.Vago, S.K.Perna, M.Zanussi, B.Mazzi, C.Barlassina, M.T.Lupo Stanghellini, N.F.Perrelli, C.Cosentino, F.Torri, A.Angius, B.Forno, M.Casucci, M.Bernardi, J.Peccatori, C.Corti, A.Bondanza, M.Ferrari, S.Rossini, M.G.Roncarolo, C.Bordignon, C.Bonini, F.Ciceri, K.Fleischhauer
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