Laura Cinti



Dr. Laura Cinti carries out her clinical activity in the Cardiology Service at Villa Erbosa.

In 2009, she graduates in Medicine and Surgery cum laude from the University of Bologna, where she obtains the specialization in Cardiovascular Diseases.

In 2010, she obtains her professional license and enrollment in the Medical Association of Bologna.

In her specialization, she deals, in particular, with acute coronary syndromes and valve pathologies.

In 2016, she is awarded a certificate for active participation in the six-month vascular ecoDoppler course (SIDV-GIUV Society).

As part of the outpatient activity, she deals with numerous diseases, including in particular:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • valve pathologies.

She daily performs the following procedures:

  • cardiologic examination with electrocardiogram;
  • echocardiogram (or cardiac echocolordoppler);
  • ECG Holter;
  • Holter pressure test;
  • stress test;
  • echodoppler of supra-aortic trunks;
  • lower limbs echo-Doppler.

She is the author of numerous scientific articles in national and international journals concerning acute coronary syndromes and aortic syndromes.

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