Laura Cassarà



Dr. Laura Cassarà is a diabetologist at Casa di Cura La Madonnina and at the Smart Clinic.

Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milan, and in 1994, also with honors, received a specialization in liver diseases and replacement therapy.

After graduation, she worked for 3 years in the department of the therapeutic clinic Ospedale Maggiore in Milan, then moved to Ospedale Niguarda, where she worked for 4 years, observing patients with diabetes and chronic liver diseases.

After that, she began to monitor patients with diabetes mellitus on an outpatient basis at the ospedale di Desio, and then from 2005 to 2013 she took up the position of head of sanitation and head of diabetes services at the Centro Diabetologico dei Cavalieri di Malta.

Since 2014, he has been working freelance in multidisciplinary centers and la Casa di Cura Madonnina.

The doctor heads the diabetological service and leads about 1,500 patients, young people and adults, with type I and II diabetes mellitus.

The clinical and outpatient activities carried out by the doctor are aimed at more accurately determining the patient's dietary and treatment program, determining over time the tests and follow-up measures necessary for their follow-up, in order to prevent the occurrence of complications in the medium and long term.

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