Gianluigi Mansi

Psychologist, psychotherapist


Dr. Gianluigi Mansi is head of the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Operating Unit at the Istituti Clinici Zucchi in Carate Brianza, Italy.

In 1979, he graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Milan, where in 1983 he specialized in Psychiatry. In 2004, he obtained a Master's degree in Psychopharmacology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan.

Since 2009, he has been Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine, State University of Milan.

He has also been teaching as an adjunct professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and the University of Insubria in Varese. He has also been Lecturer in Child Neuropsychiatry and Mental Hygiene and Child and Adult Psychiatry at the Regional School for Educators in Milan and lecturer in Psychopathology at the Second Level Masters in Bioethics organized by the Universities of Ancona and Camerino.

From 1999 to 2003, he served as clinical and scientific manager of the therapeutic community Le Vele in Trezzo sull'Adda (Mi).

Dr. Gianluigi Mansi has been a Member of the Scientific Committee of the Bianca Maria Corno Foundation for the Study of Mental Anorexia since 2001 and an Elected National Councilor of the Italian Society for Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Sidin) since 2015.


University of Milan
Degree in Medicine - 1979

University of Milan
Specialization in Psychiatry - 1983

University Vita e Salute, S.Raffaele, Milan
Level 2 Master's Degree in Psychopharmacology - 2004

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Latest publications

Le Linee Guida NICE per la valutazione e il trattamento dei pazienti con multimorbidità. Implicazioni nelle disabilità.
GIDIN, (2018).
Mansi G.L.,
Motor Experience-Based Body Representation Is Selectively Impaired In Eating Disorders
Poster Presentation at the 23rd Annual EDRS Meeting in Leipzig, 2017.
Campione C., Mansi G.L.,
Motor-based bodily self is selectively impaired in eating disorders
PLOS, November 1, 2017
Campione C., Mansi G.L., Fumagalli A., Fumagalli B., Sottocornola S., Molteni M., Micali N.,
Read more
Adhd in adulthood. Prevalence, risk factors and possible identification in a sample from regione Lombardia.
Minerva Psichiatrica 2013 June;54(2):165-72
Mansi G.L., Di Giacomo E., Di Noto B., Fumagalli A., Folegatti A., Molteni M., Clerici M.
An indirect measure of body distortions in patients with eating disorders.
Poster presentato all’International Multisensory Research Forum, Amburgo, Germania, 15-19 luglio 2008.
Pavani F., Haggard P., Mansi G.L., Fumagalli A., Zampini M
Disturbi dell’Immagine Corporea
Parte I In Child Development & Disabilities - SAGGI, 3. (2005)
Mansi, G.L.
Disturbi dell’Immagine Corporea
Parte I. In Child Development & Disabilities - SAGGI, 2. (2005)
Mansi, G.L.
Treatment of eating disorders in Italy, in Eating disorders in the mediterranean area: an exploration in transcultural psychology
Nova Science Publishers, NY, 2003
Mansi G.L., Garghentini P.G., Rurali R., Zappa L., Bertelli S., Ruggiero G.M.,

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