Domenico Amato

Orthopedic surgeon


Dr. Domenico Amato is the Head of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department (Section V) at the Brescia City Clinical Institute.

Dr. Amato began his education with a degree in Medicine from the University of Naples Federico II, followed by specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology in Naples and Sports Medicine at the University of Verona.

With expertise in complex trauma and reconstructive limb surgery, he specializes in prosthetic surgeries, both conventional and arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgeries, as well as foot surgery. Dr. Amato has personally performed over 10,000 surgeries, covering a wide range of orthopedic and trauma procedures.

Throughout his career, he has held significant positions at renowned Orthopedics and Traumatology departments, including those at Ospedale San Camillo De Lellis in Schio, S. Anna Clinical Institute, Ospedale Santobono in Naples, and Civil Hospitals in Tione di Trento and Rovereto.

A frequent speaker and co-rapporteur at national and international congresses, Dr. Amato is actively involved in the fields of Orthopedics, Traumatology, Sports Medicine, and Experimental Surgery. He has also contributed extensively to scientific literature, authoring and co-authoring numerous publications in specialized journals.


University of Naples Federico II
Degree in Medicine and Surgery - 1989

University of Naples Federico II
Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology - 1994

University of Verona
Specialization in Sports Medicine - 2004

SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan
Training in "Hospital Management" - 2016

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.


Latest publications

Traumatologia degli sport invernali: un settore in crescita
L’Ortopedico Traumatologo Informer – no. 32 pag. 43 – 47 (2007)
Amato D.
Lo sci alpino: considerazioni su un’infortunistica emergente
L’Ortopedico Traumatologo Informer – no. 20 pag. 22 – 28 (2004)
Amato D.
Piede piatto idiopatico: calcaneo – stop con vite conica astragalica
Atti S.E.R.T.O.T. Vol. XLII, no. 1, pag. 101 – 110 (2000)
Castaman E., Amato D., Cazzato L., Loro A.
Il Fissatore Esterno Polivalente (F.E.P.) nel trattamento delle deviazioni assiali degli arti inferiori
GASLINI – Rivista di pediatria e di Specialità Pediatriche Vol. 29, no. 1, pag. 44 – 49 (1997)
Castaman E. Amato D. Cescatti A.
External fixation of leg fractures in athletes
J of Sports Traumatology Vol. 17, no. 1, pag. 22 – 39 (1995)
Castaman E., Amato D., Loro A., Musetti A.
Morbo di Paget: su di un caso a rara localizzazione monostotica ulnare
Atti e Memorie della S.O.T.I.M.I. – Vol. LV – no. 1 – 2, pag. 75 – 79 (1992)
Costa L., Giuzio E., Amato D.

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.