Angelo Ancona



Dr. Angelo Ancona has been working as a Specialist Cardiologist at Casa di Cura La Madonnina in Milan since 1982.

His training began in 1975 at the University of Milan with the achievement of the Degree in Medicine and Surgery with honors, and then continued with the achievement of three different specializations: Diseases of the Digestive System (1975), Cardiology (1984) and Internal Medicine (1991).

His professional experience includes numerous collaborations as Internal Doctor in the Divisions of Medical Clinic IV (1975-1976) and Emergency Medicine (1976-1978) of the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan. From 1976 to 1985, he was teacher of Materia Medica (anatomy, physiology, special pathology and general pathology) for the School of Nursing in the same Institute.

Since 1982, he has been a Specialist Cardiologist at Casa di Cura La Madonnina in Milan, where he collaborates in the diagnostic-cardiological management of patients operated on in the Clinic. He also participates in numerous professional development courses for nurses as a lecturer, and is the author of numerous scientific articles published in specialized journals.


University of Milan
Degree in Medicine and Surgery - 1975

University of Bologna
Specialization in Diseases of the Digestive System - 1978

University of Milan
Specialization in Cardiology - 1984

University of Milan
Specialization in Internal Medicine - 1991

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.


Latest publications

Le modificazioni cardiodinamiche piu’ significative indotte dall’emodialisi periodica
Atti dell’83° Congresso della societa’ Italiana di Medicina Interna – pagg 146 – 148 – Roma , 20-23 ottobre 1982
A.Ancona, M.Manfredi, D.Nicolini, M.Alkabes
Studio delle variazioni emodinamiche indotte dall’emodialisi periodica
Atti Congresso Nazionale di Cardiologia – XIII dell’ANMCO – pagg418 – Firenze 3-6 giugno 1982
A.Ancona, M. Manfredi, L.Tunesi, M.Martinoli, B.Soldati
Variazioni del quadro emodinamico negli ipertesi trattati con Ca-antagonisti
Il Policlinico sezione pratica - Vol 88 – N 16 – pagg 688-689 – 82° Congresso Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Interna – Firenze 11-14 ottobre 1981
A.Ancona – L.Tunesi – D.Nicolini – B.Soldati
Sick sinusus sindrome associated with atrioventricular and intraventricolar conduction disturbances: long term follow-up after pace maker implantation
Second European Symposium on Cardiac Pacing – Florence , May 4-6 1981, volume 4 , No 3 , pagg 261
A.Finzi, F.Pagnoni, M.Arlotti, C. Martinelli, A.Ancona, A.Lotto
La terapia medica dell’ipertensione
La Rivista del Giovane Medico – Anno 2 – numero 2 – Febbraio 1981 Pagg 19 – 26
B.Soldati – A.Ancona
La nifedipina nel trattamento della ipertensione arteriosa
Rendiconti della Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Interna – Estratto Atti 81° Congresso – Roma , 27-30 ottobre 1980
A.Ancona, D. Nicolini, L. Tunesi, B. Soldati
Valutazione clinica in doppio cieco di farmaci coleretici in pazienti affetti da epatopatie croniche e da sindromi colostatiche
La Clinica terapeutica – Estratto dal Vol 95,Fasc 6 – pagg 637-654 – 31 Dic 1980
M. Alkabes – A.Ancona – R. Palmieri – G. Palmieri . E. Zambruno

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.