Andrea Garatti

Cardiac Surgeon


Dr. Andrea Garatti is a cardiac surgeon in the Department of Adult Cardiac Surgery at the Policlinico San Donato Clinical Research Institute.

He graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milan in 2000, where he specialized in cardiac surgery in 2005.

From 1999 to 2006, he attended as a specialist physician and then as a Head physician of the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the Hospital Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda. In 2015, he received his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with Professor L. Anastasia at the University of Milan. In 2018, he received the Certificate of Advanced Study in Structural Aortic Valve Interventions from the University of Zurich, as well as the National Scientific Qualification  of Level II Professor in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery.

He has worked at the Clinical Research Institute Policlinico San Donato since 2007, currently serving as Senior Staff Surgeon. As the first surgeon, he performed about 350 cardiac surgeries in adults, dealing with the entire spectrum of acquired heart defects, including complex reoperations and emergency / urgent operations. In particular, he personally prepared more than 400 recurrent interventions, including operations on coronary vessels, heart valves and aorta. In addition, he is actively involved in the Heart Disease Group, which focuses on TIAK implantation (with transfemoral, subclavian and transapical access), Mitraclip procedures and transcatheter mitral valve replacement.

Since 2012, he has been an active member of the ECMO team of the Policlinico San Donato Clinical Institute for the treatment of acute heart failure. As part of it, he personally performed about 70 ECMO implantation procedures with a veno-arterial connection, mainly in connection with cardiogenic shock or extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, both by surgical isolation and percutaneous method, using catheterization of the femoral vein, axillary vein and through the transapical access.

After special training in the TIAK and Mitraclip procedures, he took part in about 120 transcatheter procedures for the implantation of the TIAK and Mitraclip devices, performed together with a team of hemodynamic specialists under the direction of Dr. Bedogni.

With a Hirsch index of 18, he is the author of 3 chapters in books related to cardiac surgery and transcatheter techniques, as well as 61 indexed publications in international journals.

He has participated as a speaker or guest speaker in 50 national and international congresses.

Dr. Garatti is an expert in the field of cardiac surgery, was a teacher and took exams on the D562Z-TRASLATIONAL CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE AND SURGERY course at IMS - International School of Medicine of the University of Milan (he read a course of Professor Alessandro Parolari).

He is a member of the International Scientific Council of The Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and the Italian Society of Cardiac Surgery (SICCH), and since 2016, he has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Group for Research on the Results of Cardiac Surgery (GIROC) in the role of statistician.

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