Alberto Lazzerini


Dr. Alberto Lazzerini is the Head of the Department of Hand Surgery at the Clinical Research Institute Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi and hand surgeon at the Casa di Cura La Madonnina Clinic.

In 1984, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milan, where he specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology 5 years later.

In the past, from 1986 to 1999, he held a first-level position in the Orthopedic Department of IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in the field of hand surgery and, from 1999 to mid-2019, the position of the Head of the Department of Hand Surgery at the Clinical Institute Istituto Clinico Humanitas in Rozzano. Since mid-2019, he has been a hand surgeon at the Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi Clinical Institute.

Dr. Lazzerini is the member of various national and international scientific societies, including the Italian Society for Surgery of the Hand (SICM), American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) and International Bone Research Association (IBRA); he has participated as a speaker and organizer in numerous national and international symposia.

He is the author of numerous scientific articles on hand surgery, orthopedics and neurology, published in leading national and international journals.


University of Milan
Degree in Medicine and Surger - 1984

University of Milan
Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology - 1989

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The author of numerous scientific articles on hand surgery, orthopedics and neurology, published in leading national and international journals.

Latest publications

The motor nerve biopsy: a diagnostic and prognostic tool for early diagnosis of motor neuron disease and motor neuropaties: proposal and validation of new histopathological criteria
Annals of Neurology In Press
N.Riva, S. Iannaccone, M. Corbo, B. Sferrazza, A. Lazzerini, F. Cerri, M. Scarlato, S. Previtali, E. Nobile Orazio, G. Comi, A. Quattrini
Motor nerve biopsy. Clinical usefulness and Hystopathological criteria
Annals of Neurology 2011 Jan; 69(1): 197-201
N.Riva, S.Iannaccone, M.Corbo, C.Casellato, B.Sferrazza, A.Lazzerini, M.Scarlato, F.Cerri, S.C.Previtali, E.Nobile Orazio, G.Comi, A.Quattrini
Extracorporeal shoc wave therapyin pillar pain after carpal tunnel release: a preliminary study
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 37 (10), 1603-8, 2011
P.Romeo, M.c.d’Agostino, A.Lazzerini, V.C.Sansone
Chronic motor axonal neuropathy. Case Report
J. Peripheral Nervous System 16, 341-346, 2011
N.Riva, F.Gallia, S.Iannaccone, M.Corbo, F.Terenghi, A.Lazzerini, F.Cerri, G.Comi, A.Quattrini, E.Nobile-Orazio
Validità e sicurezza di una tecnica chirurgica mininvasiva a basso impatto economico per il trattamento della sindrome del tunnel carpale
Rivista di Chirurgia della Mano 50, 37-42, 2013
A.Lazzerini, L.Marzella, A.M.Querenghi
Resezione della filiera prossimale del carpo ed artroplastica di interposizione con lembo capsulare dorsale
Rivista di Chirurgia della Mano 50(2), 257-259, 2013
A.Lazzerini, L.Marzella, A.M.Querenghi
Un nuovo modello biomeccanico per la valutazione della stabilita’ delle placche volari a stabilita’ angolare per radio distale
Rivista di Chirurgia della Mano 50(3), 10-18, 2014
A.M.Querenghi, A.Spiegel. N.Poclatko, N.Portinaro, A.Lazzerini
Distal Radius Fractures
In Arthroscopy and Sport. Piero Volpi Editor. Springer, 2016
Utilizzo di un nuovo tutore nel trattamento con collagenasi da Clostridium Hystoliticum per la malattia di Dupuytren
Chirurgia della Mano 53 (2), 69-73, 2016
F.Zura Puntaroni, A.Lazzerini
Unraveling gene expression profiles in peripheral motor nerve from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: insights into pathogenesis
Scientific Reports 16;6 2016
Riva N, Clarelli F, Domi T, Cerri F, Gallia F, Trimarco A, Brambilla P, Lunetta C, Lazzerini A, Lauria G, Taveggia C, Iannaccone S, Nobile-Orazio E, Comi G, D'Antonio M, Martinelli-Boneschi F, Quattrini A.

Do you need an appointment?

Contact us and we will take care of you.