Cesare Maffei

Psychologue, psychothérapeute


Le professeur Cesare Maffei est chef de l'unité de Psychologie clinique et de psychothérapie de l'institut de recherche clinique Ospedale San Raffaele de Milan et professeur ordinaire de Psychologie clinique à l'Université Vita Salute San Raffaele.

Après avoir obtenu son doctorat en Médecine et chirurgie, il se spécialise en psychiatrie à l'Université de Milan. Est co-fondateur et président de la société italienne de la thérapie comportementale dialectique (SIDBT), affilié avec l'Institut des technologies de comportements Linehan à Seattle (états-UNIS) et de l'association italienne pour l'étude des troubles de la personnalité (AISDP).

L'activité clinique s'accompagne d'activités de recherche intensives. Ses œuvres originales sont apparues dans  Psychoanalytic PsychologyPersonality and Mental HealthJournal of Personality DisordersBorderline Personality Disorder and Emotion DysregulationComprehensive Psychiatry, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, Assessment.

Le professeur Maffei est membre de la société internationale pour l'étude des troubles de la personnalité (ISSPD), dont il a été président de 2003 à 2007, de l'American Psychiatric Association (APA), de l'Association italienne des psychologues (AIP), de la psychothérapie médicale Italienne (SIPM) et de la section des troubles de la personnalité de la World Psychiatric Association (WPA). Il fait également partie du Groupe international de planification stratégique DBT (IDSPG).

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Université de Milan
Doctorat en Médecine et chirurgie - 1976

Université de Milan
Spécialisation en psychiatrie - 1980

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Dernières publications

A comprehensive evaluation of emotional responsiveness in borderline personality disorder: a support for hypersensitivity hypothesis.
Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 6(1), 8.
Bortolla, R., Cavicchioli, M., Galli, M., Verschure, P. F., & Maffei, C. (2019).
Emotional Responsiveness in Borderline Personality Disorder: The Role of Basal Hyperarousal and Self-Reported Emotional Regulation.
The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 207(3), 175-183. (2019).
Bortolla, R., Roder, E., Ramella, P., Fossati, A., & Maffei, C.
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Feasibility of dialectical behavior therapy skills training as an outpatient program in treating alcohol use disorder: The role of difficulties with emotion regulation and experiential avoidance.
(2019). Addiction Research & Theory, 1-13.
Cavicchioli M., Movalli M., Ramella P., Vassena G., Prudenziati F. & Maffei C.
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Emotional Reactivity in Borderline Personality Disorder: Theoretical Considerations Based on a Meta-Analytic Review of Laboratory Studies.
Journal of Personality Disorders, 1-24.
Bortolla, R., Cavicchioli, M., Fossati, A., & Maffei, C. (2018).
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Difficulties with emotion regulation, mindfulness, and substance use disorder severity: the mediating role of self-regulation of attention and acceptance attitudes.
The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 1-11. (2018).
Cavicchioli, M., Movalli, M., & Maffei, C.
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The clinical efficacy of mindfulness-based treatments for alcohol and drugs use disorders: a meta-analytic review of randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials.
European addiction research, 24, 137-162. (2018).
Cavicchioli, M., Movalli, M., & Maffei, C.
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Dialectical behavior therapy skills training in alcohol dependence treatment: findings based on an open trial.
(2018). Substance use & misuse, 53(14), 2368-2385.
Maffei, C., Cavicchioli, M., Movalli, M., Cavallaro, R., & Fossati, A.
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Interview-based ratings of DSM-IV Axis II/DSM-5 Section II Personality Disorder symptoms in consecutively admitted insomnia patients: A comparison study with consecutively admitted psychotherapy patients matched on age and gender.
(2018). Comprehensive psychiatry, 87, 100-106.
Somma A., Marelli S., Giarolli L.E., Maffei C., Ferini-Strambi L. & Fossati, A.
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Corticolimbic Connectivity Mediates the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Symptom Severity in Borderline Personality Disorder.
(2017). Neuropsychobiology, 76(2), 105-115.
Vai, B., Sforzini, L., Visintini, R., Riberto, M., Bulgarelli, C., Ghiglino, D., & Benedetti, F.
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The extent of dissociation in borderline personality disorder: A meta-analytic review.
(2017). Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 18(4), 522-543.
Scalabrini, A., Cavicchioli, M., Fossati, A., & Maffei, C.
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