Radiographie de la vessie avec contraste

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Contrastography is a minimally invasive radiographic examination that uses the administration of a contrast agent to obtain visualization of a specific body district through the subsequent execution of targeted radiographs.

Quand cet examen est-il indiqué ?

In patients undergoing surgery for radical prostatectomy, cystectomy with neobladder, or urethroplasty.

Comment est-il exécuté ?

Contrastographic examination is performed by introducing contrast medium through a bladder catheter. The examination makes it possible to investigate the morphology of the urethra and bladder after surgery, allowing specifically to verify the integrity of surgical sutures and exclude dehiscence (rupture) of the same.


This examination cannot be performed in case of allergies to the iodinated contrast agent.

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