Loris Pegoli



Loris Pegoli医生是Zucchi Wellness Clinic - Zucchi Clinical Institutes运动员手外科中心(蒙萨)负责人,也是米兰Casa di Cura La Madonnina医院手外科顾问。




他是世界运动医学和运动学会的主席。他从2016年开始任全国搏击协会医务委员会协调员,担任过的职务包括:Leon Petrosyan队医务人员负责人、都灵J Medical手外科负责人,以及多个足球队和其他多个项目国家队参赛者手腕和手部疾病的治疗负责人。

此外,他还是世界运动手部创伤学研究所的联合创始人兼前任主席、国际运动手部创伤学会(ISSPORTH)的创始人和Fight Clinic诊所的主席。








Le lesioni acute del legamento crociato anterioe. Quale trattamentoi?
Quaderni di Medicina e Chirurgia, Fasc. 88, 1995.
L. Felli, S. Bertora, L. Pegoli
Osteosintesi di urgenza nei traumi scheletrici della mano
Minerva Ortopedica, Ottobre 1998; Vol. 49: N. 10
M. Rubino, S. Bardella, N. Ursino, L. Pegoli, S. Bertora
The Tack knee prosthesis. Analysis of a uniform case series
Orthopade 2000, June; 29 supp.1: S34-7
Felli L., Rainuzzi R., Pegoli L., Pipino F.
Complications and their treatment after Free Fibula Graft for recostruction of the extremities
Journal Jpn. Soc. of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 2001,Vol.17,N.7;559
K. Arai, S. Toh, H. Miura, L. Pegoli, G.I. Vallejo
Two cases of elbow joint reconstruction using free II and III MTP joint tranfer
Journal Jpn. Soc. for Reconstructive Microsurgery, 2001,Vol.14,N.2;155
Miura H., Harata S., S. Toh, K. Arai, L. Pegoli, G.I. Vallejo
Toh S., Sasaki K., Jupiter J.B., Pegoli L.
Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery, 2001, February, Vol.36, No.2;167-172
An introduction to screw for scaphoid fracture
Miura H., Harata S., Toh S., Arai K., Pegoli L., Vallejo G.I.
Journal Japanese Society for Minimally Invasive Orthopaedic Surgery, Vol.1, No.1: 2001
Arthroscopic debridement of extensor retinaculum and stalk of the cyst for recured ganglion of the dorsal cyst: a case report
Arthroscopic treatment of recurred dorsal ganglia of the wrist after open surgery
Tohoku Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Vol. 48, No.1; June 2001
Miura H., Harata S., Toh S., Arai K., Pegoli L., Vallejo G.I., Marita S., Masuya M
Complication and treatment of Vascularized Fibula Graft for Limb Reconstruction
Journal of Microsurgery, 2001, October, Vol. 17, No.7;559
Arai K., Toh S., Miura H., Pegoli L., Vallejo G.I., Harata S.
L. Pegoli, T. Giesen, M. Blini, G. Pajardi
The Journal of Jpn. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol. 19, n.1, 2002
Global treatment of hand deformities in recessice dystrophyc epidermolysis bullosa
Pegoli L., Toh S., Arai K., Fukuda A., Nishikawa S., Vallejo I.G.
J Hand Surg (Br). 2003 Feb; 28(1): 15-17
"The Ishiguro extension block technique for the treatment of mallet finger fracture: indications and clinical results.
Total anterior tenoarthrolysis for the treatment of stiff bent finger
J. Japan. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol.20 No.1, 2003: 146
Pegoli L., Colombelli J., Pivato G., Pajardi G. Foucher G.
Arthroplasty of the CMCJ arthritis-. Evaluation of 308 consecutive cases
J. Japan. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol. 21 No. 1, 2004
Pegoli L., Calcagni M., Pivato G., Giesen T., Pajardi G.
Kudoh S., Toh S., Calcagni M., Pegoli L., Pajardi G.
J. Japan. Soc. Surg. Hand, Vol. 21 No. 1, 2004: 240-243
Reconstruction of complex dorsal injuries of the hand
Kazuki Kuniyoshi, Satoshi Toh, Shinji Nishikawa, Satoru Kudo, Taro Ogawa, Pegoli L.
Journal Pediatric Orthopedics B, January Vol. 14:1 2005
Long term follow-up of a malunited, isolated fracture of the capitate in a 6-year-old boy: A case study

