Why Blood Tests Are Important and When to Take Them

تاريخ النشر : 24-12-2024
تحديث في : 24-12-2024
الموضوع: Prevention
الوقت المقدر للقراءة : 1 min

كاتب المقال
Tommaso Revera
محرر ومترجم
Anastasiia ByvaltcevaThe benifit of regularly performing blood tests to assess various aspects of one’s health is now undisputed.
The specialists from the laboratory of Istituti Ospedalieri Bresciani of the Gruppo San Donato explain the importance of regular blood tests.
Until last year, Istituti Ospedalieri Bresciani had an autonomous analysis laboratory in each institute. However, since last year, the shared project between strategic and medical management has become a reality: a single laboratory located at the Istituto Clinico S. Anna, with two operational branches at the Istituto Clinico Città di Brescia and the Istituto Clinico San Rocco.
Why It Is Important to Perform Blood Tests
Blood holds many useful information for both the individual undergoing the test and their general practitioner. From a simple blood draw, it is possible to extract a wealth of valuable information about one’s health.
A blood test can confirm normal health, reflecting a person’s everyday well-being, but it can also, unfortunately, uncover signs of illness or existing pathological conditions.
How Often Should You Perform Blood Tests
“Seventy percent of medical decisions are based on data provided by the laboratory to the clinician,” says Dr. Linda Fezzardi, Head of the Unit at the Istituto Clinico San Rocco. “For this reason, after the age of 40, individuals who are in good physical and mental health, regularly exercise, and follow a proper diet are advised to undergo a blood test every two years.
Often, people feel the need to evaluate their health independently, but it is always essential for tests to be prescribed by your trusted doctor, who is familiar with your medical history, comorbidities, and family predisposition to chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.”
Which Check-Ups to Perform
There are targeted check-ups for those who wish to get a comprehensive snapshot of their health through blood tests. From a simple blood sample, it is possible to evaluate the functionality of various organs in our body, such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, or thyroid.
One of the primary and most useful tests is the complete blood count (CBC), which includes several parameters. “With this test, – continues Dr. Fezzardi, – we assess the main cells that make up our blood:
- Red blood cells (which contain an important protein, hemoglobin, necessary for oxygenating our tissues);
- White blood cells (neutrophils that protect us from bacteria, lymphocytes that defend us from viruses, and eosinophils that play a role in asthma and/or allergies);
- Platelets, which are involved in blood clotting.
Other important tests for a general check-up include:
- Measuring blood glucose levels (to understand how the body processes sugar);
- Testing blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and uric acid to evaluate kidney function;
- Assessing transaminases, gamma GT, amylase, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin for liver function.
Lastly, the lipid profile is crucial for preventing cardiovascular damage by measuring:
- Total cholesterol (including the "good" HDL and the "bad" LDL, which can unfortunately lead to dangerous atherosclerotic plaques);
- Triglycerides.
Tests at the Central Laboratory of Istituto Clinico S. Anna
The largest laboratory, located on via del Franzone at the Istituto Clinico S. Anna, handles:
- clinical chemistry;
- hematology;
- coagulation studies;
- immunohematology;
- serology;
- immunometry;
- microbiology.
“The lab performs and processes more than 1.8 million tests per year, which is truly a significant number,” emphasizes Prof. Fouad Kanso.
This laboratory operates 24/7, 365 days a year, meeting the needs of the three healthcare facilities in Brescia. It’s worth noting that these facilities collectively provide 800 hospital beds. Additionally, the lab handles blood tests for external patients, occupational medicine services in the area, and patients undergoing pre-admission testing.
Other Tests Available at Istituto Clinico Città di Brescia
“The sperm analysis (spermiogram), available Monday through Friday by appointment after proper preparation guidelines are shared, is a highly useful test for studying seminal fluid,” explains Dr. Anna Bonisoli Alquati, Head of the Unit at Istituto Clinico Città di Brescia.
By analyzing various parameters of the cellular components of seminal fluid (spermatozoa), such as appearance, liquefaction, pH, and volume, as well as concentration, total sperm count, motility, and morphology, important insights into a man’s fertility can be obtained.
Men generally undergo this test when facing urological issues or fertility problems in their relationship. However, as shown by numerous European studies, some conditions can already be present at a young age. Conducting this test routinely from late adolescence could help detect disorders early, enabling more timely treatment.
For our patients seeking a comprehensive understanding of their fertility, we also offer the DNA fragmentation test, which assesses the integrity of sperm DNA and is highly requested by specialists in assisted reproduction.
Additionally, we perform certain microbiological tests to detect possible pathogens and the DNA of the chlamydia-causing agent.
Finally, we offer the option to undergo the Breath Test, which helps determine lactose intolerance.