Roberto Ratiglia

مهنة :
طبيب عيون
اللغات :

السيرة الذاتية

Professor Roberto Ratiglia works as an ophthalmologist at Casa di Cura La Madonnina. 

In 1969, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, and in 1972 received a diploma in ophthalmology at the University of Milan. 

In 1984 he received the qualification of a university professor of the II level, and in 2002 - the qualification of the I level.

During his studies, several of his trips abroad can be counted: Clinica di Losanna in 1973 and 1980; Clinica Oculistica di Zurigo in 1974; Retina Associates in Boston in 1984 and Clinica Oculistica di Rotterdam in 1988.

His clinical work focuses mainly on certain areas, such as:

  • Vitreoretinal surgery,
  • Cataract microsurgery,
  • Glaucoma Surgery,
  • Laser microsurgery.

He is the author of 300 scientific publications published in national and international journals, and has prepared 400 reports at national and international congresses.

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